Auditory and Visual Oddball EEG-fMRI
Healthy subjects performed separate but analogous auditory and visual oddball tasks (interleaved), while we recorded simultaneous EEG-fMRI.
- Paul Sajda
- Truman R Brown
- Bryan Conroy
- Jordan Muraskin
- Robin I Goldman
- Jennifer M Walz
Acknowledgements and Funding:
This work was funded by National Institutes of Health Grant R01-MH085092 and by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program. We thank Glenn Castillo and Stephen Dashnaw for their assistance with EEG–fMRI data acquisition.
External Publication Links:
Prestimulus EEG alpha oscillations modulate task-related fMRI BOLD responses to auditory stimuli.Fast bootstrapping and permutation testing for assessing reproducibility and interpretability of multivariate FMRI decoding models
Simultaneous EEG-fMRI reveals a temporal cascade of task-related and default-mode activations during a simple target detection task
Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Reveals Temporal Evolution of Coupling between Supramodal Cortical Attention Networks and the Brainstem
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In addition to any citation requirements in the dataset summary please use the following to cite this dataset:
This data was obtained from the OpenfMRI database. Its accession number is ds000116
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Revision: 2.0.0 Date Set: Oct. 10, 2016, 9:21 p.m.
- Converted to BIDS standard
Data Associated with Revision:
Revision: 1.0.0 Date Set: June 17, 2014, midnight
- Initial release
Data Associated with Revision:
- Metadata: Task and Model Information
- Processed data for Subject 10 on AWS
- Processed data for Subject 11 on AWS
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- Processed data for Subject 16 on AWS
- Processed data for Subject 17 on AWS
- Processed data for Subject 1 on AWS
- Processed data for Subject 2 on AWS
- Processed data for Subject 3 on AWS
- Processed data for Subject 4 on AWS
- Processed data for Subject 5 on AWS
- Processed data for Subject 6 on AWS
- Processed data for Subject 7 on AWS
- Processed data for Subject 8 on AWS
- Processed data for Subject 9 on AWS
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