Incidental encoding task (Posner Cueing Paradigm)
Subjects were scanned while incidentally encoding a series of visually presented real objects and greebles (meaningless objects) in a variant of the Posner cueing paradigm. Subjects covertly shifted their attention to the left or right of fixation, as cued by a centrally-presented arrow prior to item onset, and made a real object versus greeble judgment about the stimulus appearing in the cued or uncued location. Items appeared in the uncued location with a probability of .18. Subjects performed an unscanned memory test following encoding, in which they indicated their memory for old and new real objects using the following four responses: high confident old, low confident old, low confident new, high confident new. For trials in which subjects responded with one of the two old responses, a source memory judgment about the location (left or right side of the screen) of the object at study followed the recognition judgment.
- Anthony D. Wagner
- J. Benjamin Hutchinson
- Melina R. Uncapher
Acknowledgements and Funding:
This research was supported by National Institute of Mental Health Grants 5R01-MH080309 and F32-MH084475.
External Publication Links:
Dissociable effects of top-down and bottom-up attention during episodic encodingSample Size:
Scanner Type:
3 T Signa MR scanner
Accession Number:
How to cite this dataset:
In addition to any citation requirements in the dataset summary please use the following to cite this dataset:
This data was obtained from the OpenfMRI database. Its accession number is ds000110
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Revision: 2.0.1 Date Set: Oct. 28, 2016, 6:43 p.m.
- Edited authors string in dataset_description.json
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Revision: 2.0.0 Date Set: Oct. 7, 2016, 6:21 p.m.
- Converted to BIDS Standard
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Revision: 1.0.0 Date Set: April 16, 2013, midnight
- Initial release