UCLA Consortium for Neuropsychiatric Phenomics LA5c Study
The Consortium for Neuropsychiatric Phenomics (CNP) is a large study funded by the NIH Roadmap Initiative that aims to facilitate discovery of the genetic and environmental bases of variation in psychological and neural system phenotypes, to elucidate the mechanisms that link the human genome to complex psychological syndromes, and to foster breakthroughs in the development of novel treatments for neuropsychiatric disorders.
The study includes imaging of a large group of healthy individuals from the community (138 subjects), as well as samples of individuals diagnosed with schizoprenia (58), bipolar disorder (49), and ADHD (45).
The participants, ages 21-50, were recruited by community advertisements from the Los Angeles area and completed extensive neuropsychogical testing, in addition to fMRI scanning. To be included individuals had to be either "White, Not of Hispanic or Latino Origin" or "Hispanic or Latino, of Any Race" following NIH designations of racial and ethnic minority groups, and have completed at least 8 years of education (other racial and ethnic minority groups were excluded because this was thought to increase risk of confounding planned genetic studies). For participants who spoke both English and Spanish, language for testing was determined by a verbal fluency test. Participants were screened for neurological disease, history of head injury with loss of consciousness or cognitive sequelae, use of psychoactive medications, substance dependence within past 6 months, history of major mental illness or ADHD, and current mood or anxiety disorder. Self-reported history of psychopathology was verified with the SCID-IV (First, Spitzer, Gibbon, & Williams, 1995). Urinalysis was used to screen for drugs of abuse (cannabis, amphetamine, opioids, cocaine, benzodiazepines) on the day of testing and excluded if results were positive.
A portion of this large sample took part in two separate fMRI sessions, which each included one-hour of behavioral testing and a one-hour scan on the same day. Participants were recruited from the parent study to participate in the fMRI portion if they successfully completed all previous testing sessions, and did not meet the following additional exclusion criteria: history of significant medical illness, contraindications for MRI (including pregnancy), any mood-altering medication on scan day (based on self-report), vision that was insufficient to see task stimuli, and left-handedness.
After receiving a thorough explanation, all participants gave written informed consent according to the procedures approved by the University of California Los Angeles Institutional Review Board.
Modalities Include:
T1-weighted Anatomical MPRAGE
64 Direction DWI
BOLD contrast fMRI
Resting State (with physiological monitoring)
Breath Hold fMRI (with physiological monitoring)
Balloon Analog Risk Task (BART) fMRI
Stopsignal Task fMRI
Taskswitching fMRI
Spatial Working Memory Capacity Tasks (SCAP) fMRI
Paired Associates Memory Task - Encoding/Retrieval (PAMenc/PAMret)
Note: Some of the T1-weighted images included within this dataset (around 20%) show an aliasing artifact potentially generated by a headset. The artifact renders as a ghost that may overlap the cortex through one or both temporal lobes. A list of participants showing the artifact has will be added to the dataset in upcoming revision 1.0.5.
- Sabb, F
- Karlsgodt, K
- Congdon, E
- Freimer, N
- London, E
- Cannon, T
- Poldrack, R
- Bilder, R
Acknowledgements and Funding:
This work was supported by the Consortium for Neuropsychiatric Phenomics (NIH Roadmap for Medical Research grants UL1-DE019580, RL1MH083268, RL1MH083269, RL1DA024853, RL1MH083270, RL1LM009833, PL1MH083271, and PL1NS062410).
External Publication Links:
Preprocessed Consortium for Neuropsychiatric Phenomics datasetA phenome-wide examination of neural and cognitive function
Sample Size:
Scanner Type:
Siemens Trio (2 Imaging Sites)
Accession Number:
How to cite this dataset:
In addition to any citation requirements in the dataset summary please use the following to cite this dataset:
This data was obtained from the OpenfMRI database. Its accession number is ds000030
Browse Data For All Revisions on S3
Direct Links to data:
Revision: 1.0.5 Date Set: Dec. 5, 2017, 6:20 p.m.
- Added a note to Readme about artifact of T1w images
- Added a column to participants.stv with ghost/no-ghost info
- Removed index column added by mistake to phenotypes/*.tsv files
Data Associated with Revision:
- Derivatives MRIQC, physioplots, parameter-plots
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 10159-10299
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 10304-10388
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 10428-10575
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 10624-10697
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 10704-10893
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 10912-10998
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 11019-11098
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 11104-11156
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 50004-50008
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 50010-50038
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 50043-50059
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 50060-50085
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 60001-60008
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 60010-60038
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 60042-60068
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 60070-60089
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 70001-70008
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 70010-70049
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 70051-70086
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 10159-10299
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 10304-10388
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 10428-10575
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 10624-10697
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 10704-10893
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 10912-10998
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 11019-11098
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 11104-11156
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 50004-50008
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 50010-50038
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 50043-50059
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 50060-50085
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 60001-60008
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 60010-60038
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 60042-60068
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 60070-60089
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 70001-70008
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 70010-70049
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 70051-70086
- Subjects 10159-10299
- Subjects 10304-10388
- Subjects 10428-10575
- Subjects 10624-10697
- Subjects 10704-10893
- Subjects 10912-10998
- Subjects 11019-11098
- Subjects 11104-11156
- Subjects 50004-50008
- Subjects 50010-50038
- Subjects 50043-50059
- Subjects 50060-50085
- Subjects 60001-60008
- Subjects 60010-60038
- Subjects 60042-60068
- Subjects 60070-60089
- Subjects 70001-70008
- Subjects 70010-70049
- Subjects 70051-70086
- Task pipelines for subjects 10159-10299
- Task pipelines for subjects 10304-10388
- Task pipelines for subjects 10428-10575
- Task pipelines for subjects 10624-10697
- Task pipelines for subjects 10704-10893
- Task pipelines for subjects 10912-10998
- Task pipelines for subjects 11019-11098
- Task pipelines for subjects 11104-11156
- Task pipelines for subjects 50004-50008
- Task pipelines for subjects 50010-50038
- Task pipelines for subjects 50043-50059
- Task pipelines for subjects 50060-50085
- Task pipelines for subjects 60001-60008
- Task pipelines for subjects 60010-60038
- Task pipelines for subjects 60042-60068
- Task pipelines for subjects 60070-60089
- Task pipelines for subjects 70001-70008
- Task pipelines for subjects 70010-70049
- Task pipelines for subjects 70051-70086
- Task pipelines (group) - 1
- Task pipelines (group) - 2
Revision: 1.0.4 Date Set: June 26, 2017, 5:18 p.m.
- Added preprocessed data to /derivatives
Data Associated with Revision:
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 10159-10299
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 10159-10388
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 10304-10388
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 10428-10575
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 10429-10697
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 10624-10697
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 10704-10893
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 10912-10998
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 11019-11098
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 11104-11156
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 50004-50008
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 50010-50038
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 50043-50059
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 50060-50085
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 60001-60008
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 60010-60038
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 60042-60068
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 60070-60089
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 70001-70008
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 70010-70049
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 70051-70069
- fMRIprep pipeline for subjects 70070-70086
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 10159-10299
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 10304-10388
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 10428-10575
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 10624-10697
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 10704-10893
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 10912-10998
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 11019-11098
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 11104-11156
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 50004-50008
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 50010-50038
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 50043-50059
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 50060-50085
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 60001-60008
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 60010-60038
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 60042-60068
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 60070-60089
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 70001-70008
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 70010-70049
- Freesurfer pipeline for subjects 70051-70086
- Metadata and top-level derivatives
- Subjects 10159-10299
- Subjects 10304-10388
- Subjects 10428-10575
- Subjects 10624-10697
- Subjects 10704-10893
- Subjects 10912-10998
- Subjects 11019-11098
- Subjects 11104-11156
- Subjects 50004-50008
- Subjects 50010-50038
- Subjects 50043-50059
- Subjects 50060-50085
- Subjects 60001-60008
- Subjects 60010-60038
- Subjects 60042-60068
- Subjects 60070-60089
- Subjects 70001-70008
- Subjects 70010-70049
- Subjects 70051-70086
- Task pipelines for subjects 10159-10299
- Task pipelines for subjects 10304-10388
- Task pipelines for subjects 10428-10575
- Task pipelines for subjects 10624-10697
- Task pipelines for subjects 10704-10893
- Task pipelines for subjects 10912-10998
- Task pipelines for subjects 11019-11098
- Task pipelines for subjects 11104-11156
- Task pipelines for subjects 50004-50008
- Task pipelines for subjects 50010-50038
- Task pipelines for subjects 50043-50059
- Task pipelines for subjects 50060-50085
- Task pipelines for subjects 60001-60008
- Task pipelines for subjects 60010-60038
- Task pipelines for subjects 60042-60068
- Task pipelines for subjects 60070-60089
- Task pipelines for subjects 70001-70008
- Task pipelines for subjects 70010-70049
- Task pipelines for subjects 70051-70086
- Task pipelines (group) for all subjects
Revision: 1.0.3 Date Set: Jan. 26, 2017, 3:23 p.m.
- Removed few columns from tsv files in phenotype data to protect subject identification
Data Associated with Revision:
- Metadata and Top-Level Derivatives
- Subjects 10159-10299
- Subjects 10304-10388
- Subjects 10428-10575
- Subjects 10624-10697
- Subjects 10704-10893
- Subjects 10912-10998
- Subjects 11019-11098
- Subjects 11104-11156
- Subjects 50004-50008
- Subjects 50010-50038
- Subjects 50043-50059
- Subjects 50060-50085
- Subjects 60001-60008
- Subjects 60010-60038
- Subjects 60042-60068
- Subjects 60070-60089
- Subjects 70001-70008
- Subjects 70010-70049
- Subjects 70051-70086
Revision: 1.0.2 Date Set: Oct. 5, 2016, 11:28 p.m.
- Added mriqc results
Data Associated with Revision:
- Metadata and Top-Level Derivatives
- Subjects 10159-10299
- Subjects 10304-10388
- Subjects 10428-10575
- Subjects 10624-10697
- Subjects 10704-10893
- Subjects 10912-10998
- Subjects 11019-11098
- Subjects 11104-11156
- Subjects 50004-50008
- Subjects 50010-50038
- Subjects 50043-50059
- Subjects 50060-50085
- Subjects 60001-60008
- Subjects 60010-60038
- Subjects 60042-60068
- Subjects 60070-60089
- Subjects 70001-70008
- Subjects 70010-70049
- Subjects 70051-70086
Revision: 1.0.1 Date Set: Sept. 26, 2016, 3:45 p.m.
Additional phenotype information
Removed 17 subjects inadvertently included in previous release
Data Associated with Revision:
Revision: 1.0.0 Date Set: Jan. 29, 2016, 11:15 p.m.
Initial raw data publish